Friday, October 29, 2010

So This is Justice...

I don't know if you guys have heard about this or not, the only thing I know is what I heard on 97.1 yesterday during the Valenti and Foster program. It was a story about a cheerleader at a Texas high school who was kicked off the cheer squad.

No big deal right? Happens all the time, right? Wrong. The reason she got kicked off the squad wasn't anything like grades or behavior related, none of that. She was kicked off the squad for refusing to cheer the name of a particular player, Rakheem Jamal Bolton.

Why would a cheerleader refuse to cheer for a player, doesn't that defeat the purpose of a cheerleader? Rakheem and two other males were accused of raping her. Her claim was that the three men took her, locked her in a room, and sexually assaulted her at a party. Other party goers tried to get in the room but they couldn't. When they did, two of the three men, one of which was Rakheem, fled out the window. Why the third didn't, I have no clue, maybe he's just dumb, fat, or slow... or all the above. But all three plead guilty to assault charges (not sexual assault). Rakheem was sentenced to a year of jail but got out early and was put on probation... What a load of crap if you ask me...

When asked about the whole "rape thing"... excuse me, "alleged rape," by a local TV station, Rakheem said, "I feel like it was just a misunderstanding.” Misunderstanding? Dude, No does not mean Yes...

Well this kid's out of jail, he's back at the high school, he's playing basketball for them. He's living life like nothing happened... Unfortunately for our cheerleading friend life wasn't so simple...

This is the part of the story that I get pissed... So before the whole getting kicked of the squad thing happens, the school tells her two things: She should avoid cafeterias, and she can't participate in homecoming. Ummm school, I think you're disciplining the wrong person. That's a joke. She's the victim in this story and you're telling her to avoid the caf and telling her she can't be apart of homecoming!?!? How messed up is that?

And now she's being kicked off the cheerleading team... She got kicked off the squad for refusing to cheer Rakheem's name when they were doing a cheer roll call or something, some cheerleader thing. She refused to cheer the name of the man who raped her and SHE is getting kicked off the squad.

This story just angers me so much. I don't know the talent level of this kid, but I'm guessing by all this special treatment he's probably a star. But regardless... this story just disgusts me. The kid should still be in jail, he shouldn't be on the basketball team, and he shouldn't be at that school. Why the girl who's a sexual assault victim gets treated by the school the way they did? I have no idea, it just makes zero sense to me and it angers me so much.

And a reminder guys... No does in fact mean No, and be careful, one slip up could haunt you for the rest of your life. Also, sexual violence and rape... it's not cool. Despite what Gingers in the Northeast Region say, it's not cool, it's not funny.

I just wanted to bring this story to all your guys' attention, I feel it's a story that needs to be known.


  1. I don't agree with the school's action against the girl but at the same time you can't just assume those 3 guys raped her. We have no idea what transpired in that room. Obviously it wasn't good but I believe if the 3 kids did rape her they would've been convicted of CSC crimes. Since they weren't that means that there was either very little evidence, she lied, or she didn't want to go to court to testify against these guys. It's ridiculous that she's being punished for this crap but at the same time we truly don't know what happened. There are two sides to every story. Not saying that these kids aren't lowlifes. If they're committing assault obviously they are pieces of shit.

  2. Yeah we don't know anything for sure, but they are convicted of assault, which, like you said, still makes em lowlifes and the what's happening to the girl is wrong
