Saturday, November 24, 2012

Lions Aren't Thankful for Much

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Well that sucked didn't it?  Lions just keep finding new ways to lose.  Have you seen a more mind-boggling, blood pressure-raising game such as that one?  I haven't in awhile.  My goodness what a ridiculous game.

I am not going to find silver linings cuz screw that, I'm pissed!  We lost because of the most asinine rule in all of sports.  Oh and because those officials are blind apparently.

First egregious call to go agains the Lions was a punt that clearly bounced off a Texan and should have been our ball.  There is a clear change in direction and clear touch.  The only question I had was did we touch it first.  And when the officials said the play stood, I thought maybe they determined we touched first...

Nope.  Schwartz said after the game that officials told him they didn't think the ball touched the Houston player.  Probably the only people in America to think that.

But the most egregious play... I won't even recap it, we all know he was down.  Everyone on the field knew it.  Yes I know refs are applauded for letting a play unfold but come on! The dude was on his stomach for God's sake.

But the thing that irritated me the most.  Schwartz broke the most asinine rule in sports.  I am irritated that he let his emotions dictate his actions and violate a rule he knew and knew he violated.

But my gripe in this blog is at the NFL.  What kind of arrogant, moronic, stupid bastards do you have to be to devise a rule that goes like this:  All scoring plays and turnovers will automatically be reviewed, UNLESS YOU ASK US TO REVIEW CUZ IF YOU DO, WELL THEN F*** YOU! Here's a 15 yard penalty and the play stands!

ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?! Who in the hell wrote that rule?  How did a group of men deemed capable of running a billion dollar industry devise such an asinine rule?

How long before the NFL finally looks down from it's pedestal and says "Hmmm, looks like the NCAA actually did something right, maybe we should do their system."

How can you play in a league that devises rules that directly infringe upon the integrity of the game.  I wouldn't even think Bud Selig would be this stupid.  Or even Gary Bettman!

I know I'm usually more level headed in my blogs and leave my rants to twitter, but I'm sorry, this is just too disgusting.  That has to be the most asinine rule in sports, and for another season, the Lions get so royally screwed that at the end of the year, the NFL is going to review their rules. (We're the reason all scoring plays are reviewed anyways) 

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