Friday, December 6, 2013

Unluck of the Draw: US Gets Group of Death

The World Cup groups are now official and it's confirmed:  The United States of America are in the "Group of Death."

The US, which were the highest ranked team (17) in pot C for the draw, are now the third best ranked team in their group, which consists of Germany (4) Portugal (16) and Ghana (23.)

Things could not have gone much worse for the Americans.

The Yanks have come along way in soccer, and have a chance at advancing, but unfortunately for the US their trip to Brazil just got a little more unpleasant.

As it stands right now, I don't see the US getting more than three points, four points at best if they draw Portugal.  But they could get less than that very easily as well.

But they could get more.

Germany will run the table of this group.  They are a powerhouse and a World Cup favorite.  "But Dave, didn't we beat Germany?"  Yes we did... their B and C team.  Germany is my early World Cup pick, I see them cruising through the group.

Ghana worries me.  Not only because they've knocked us out of the past two World Cup teams but they have strong center backs and fast, youthful forwards that could wreak havoc on our slow, inexperienced back line.

And Portugal has Cristiano Ronaldo, who's probably ecstatic at the though of playing against the aforementioned back line.  But Portugal is beatable... Their keeper is questionable and so is their team speed outside of CRon.

With Groups like C and H existing, the US definitely got the short end of the stick, and now face the very likely scenario of an early Brazil exit.

Let's hope I'm wrong.

Here are the group drawings

Jurgen Klinsmann's thoughts


  1. Every game'll be tough, but none unwinnable, which should make this the best grouping

    1. It'll be interesting to see truly how far we've come as a soccer nation. Just wish we didn't get such a tough draw
