Friday, October 29, 2010

Happy Birthday Bearded Fellow

Okay, well this isn't my birthday, but the Bearded Fellow Persona was born today. On this day one year ago I posted my first blog, it was about the first Brewer's Bruin encounter... Which was the Iowa game last year, kinda funny how that works out...

I just want to say it's been a great year of blogging, the blog has skyrocketed into something I never thought it could be. I have people reading it that I have no idea who they are, people retweeting my posts on Twitter to thousands of their followers, hell I've had people retweet the retweet. It's just awesome to think about how many people could have read even one entry of the Bearded Fellow.

I started this blog at the encouragement of my freshman journalism professor. He told me blogging is a great way to get my name out there. When I started, I struggled to blog anything with regularity, I was looking for those weird stories.
But then when hockey season came around, I started posting about the Red Wing games. I had avoided simple game recaps for the most part because I was looking for the strange stories to get noticed. But then I started to just post about Wings games and how they're doing with some extra stuff on the side. And that's what really got my blog rolling. I got hooked up with Spartan Edge and they still have my blog posted on their website, and more and more people started reading the blog.

This thing is bigger than I ever expected it to be and it's all thanks to you, the reader. Without you guys I would not have kept at it. But it's great to see that 62 people like my blog on Facebook. Sure small number, but I expected to have 20 tops on the page. This blog is much greater than I ever anticipated it to be.

But anyways, for the one year anniversary of the Bearded Blogger, I feel it's necessary to do something special... But what? I could repost some of my personal favorites, and ask which one you guys think is best... I could ask y'all what you guys like about my blog, what topics do you, the people, like most out of me? My hockey stuff, my NFL stuff, my college football stuff, my random stuff, you guys get it... Or I could ask if you guys think I'm just full of shit... which is probably true but that's okay, you keep reading...

I think I'm just going to ask you guys one thing... in the comment box, right down there, leave me some honest feedback about my blog. Stuff you like, stuff you don't like, my skills as a writer, or lack thereof. My opinions, if you think I know my stuff or I'm just full of it. Let me know what you, the people, think of the Bearded Fellow on Sports, I would love some feedback to let me know how I'm doing or what the people want, so please, I implore you, leave a comment, it's not that hard...

On a final note, I just want to add that I love you all for reading and following, and I hope you all continue to read and follow my blog as I go for year two of the Bearded Fellow on Sports.

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