Now you guys know how I feel about the NBA, and would love not to write about it, but what's going on in our own backyard is just too significant to ignore. It has been no secret that the players and "veteran leaders," have had issues with the way Coach John Kuester.
This is a disgrace to the city, to the team, to everyone involved. Rip Hamilton yells at Kuester at a practice, then Kuester benches him for a month or so, and now we have this fresh bit of news.
Apparently, the Pistons pulled an Allen Iverson and decided that practice doesn't matter. Only six guys showed up for the morning shoot around. Dajuan Summers, Will Bynum, Charlie Villanueva, Ben Gordon, Jason Maxiel, and Greg Monroe, showed up for practice. Austin Daye and Rodney Stuckey showed up late. Tracy McGrady had a "head-ache" and Tayshaun Prince had a "stomach-ache." My favorite is Chris Wilcox, he overslept. That leaves Mr. Richard Hamilton, who had no excuse, no reason for missing practice, other than he hates playing for the Pistons apparently.
This is an absolute joke. I'm telling you right now Prince was not sick. I don't see why T-Mac would protest, maybe he was, but Rip and Tayshaun were for sure protesting. I'm not buying their excuses.
But it gets worse... Kuester decides to only play the six guys that showed up for shoot around, something I actually agree with. But where things get worse is when Kuester gets ejected and players are seen laughing on the bench. You know you command respect when your team is laughing at you as you get ejected.
The Pistons failed when they didn't dump the dead weight at the deadline. Rip blocked a trade with Cleveland (good thing, Pistons would have lost their first round pick,) but Tayshaun could have been traded to Dallas for Caron Butler and a 1st round pick. But they decided not to trade Prince, for whatever dumb reason.
They need to fire Kuester, hire an interim coach, or Dumars should take over. But at the end of the year, get rid of Rip, get rid of Tayshaun, bring in Bill Lambier to take over this team. No nonsense guy who take over this team. This team is a joke in serious trouble.
As if I needed any more reason to not watch the Pistons..